Foundation Stage 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Woolhouse

FS2 Teacher

Welcome to Foundation Stage 2

The children had a fantastic time dressing up and sharing stories together on World Book Day. 

World Book day edited(1).png

During Spring 1 our current theme will be 'Journeys.' The subject organiser below will share further information on this half term theme. 

P.E will be every Thursday and Swimming is every Wednesday.


Journey Sub org.JPG


During Autumn 2 our learning will be based on the theme Celebrations. Please discuss special occasions you celebrate as a family and add some photos of family celebrations to your 'All About Me book' or email to so we can share in school. We would like to share your child's 1st birthday and a recent birthday so we can compare and discuss as a class and in group.

Autumn 2 Celebrations 2024.JPG


Welcome to Foundation Stage at Wales Primary School. We can't wait for your child to start their journey with us in September. We are looking forward to finding all about your child and your family. We will start looking your child's 'All About Me' book that we sent home in July this half term. The children usually can't wait to share their family photographs, drawings and talk all about their interests and family. We will look forward to your child learning new routines, making friends and building their confidence during their first term.


Please scroll down this class page to the files to download section. You will find a copy of the knowledge organiser detailing the class theme for this half term and the PowerPoint presentation from the Welcome to Wales Primary School meeting in June 2024.


Our class theme for Autumn 1: All about Me and My Family


P.E will be every Thursday Please send your child to school in their P.E on this day. 


Nursery Rhymes 

Please practise each week the nursery rhymes we are singing in class at home 

(The lyrics will be in the download section below and you are welcome to view and sing along to the rhymes via the links below:


Week 1: 09/09/24 Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes 

Week 2: 16/09/24 Hickory, Dickory Dock 

Week 3: 23/09/24 Here We go around the Mulberry Bush 



Autumn 1 2024 KO(1).JPG

     FS2 Classroom

What are you looking forward to the most during your school day? Here are some photos as a reminder of your classroom environment.



Role Play 



Sand and Water























Small World


Construction and Investigation Station


Reading, writing and creative areas



Resources for Foundation Stage Learning


You are welcome to take a look at some of the recommended resources (files to download section), websites and apps below. We will add to the list throughout the year. 


Communication and Language 

Tiny Talkers Rotherham

Helping children to learn can be as easy as talking, listening and playing with them whenever you can. 

Tiny Talkers is a Rotherham LA group aimed at developing speech, language and communication skills for children in their early years (0-5 years).The Tiny Talkers website has lots of useful ideas and tips for supporting your child with their speech, language and communication. Please see the link below for their website. 




Phonics /English

Phonics Play (start with phase 1 games)

English games




Topmark maths


Early Help - supporting families going through difficult times

Early Help Support




Mrs Woolhouse


Files to Download

Foundation Stage 2: News items

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Foundation Stage 2: Gallery items

Winter, by Mrs Woolhouse

Bird Watch 2025, by Mrs Woolhouse

Autumn Term 1 Learning, by Mrs Woolhouse

Foundation Stage 2: Calendar items

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