Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Askey
Year 1 Teacher
Mrs Robinson
Y1 Teacher
Welcome to Year One.
Here, you will find information about what our Year 1 class are learning about this year!
Mrs Askey will teach Year 1 on Monday to Wednesday each week, supported by Mrs Baxter and Mrs Stephenson. Mrs Lax will teach every Thursday and Friday, supported by Mrs Baxter and Mrs Stephenson.
P.E days are Mondays and Fridays this half term and children will need appropriate kit for outdoor sessions (a white t-shirt, black or navy joggers/shorts, a black or navy jacket/hoodie and trainers).
To encourage indendence in school, please spend a little time helping your child to learn how to fasten their clothing and tie their shoe laces. There are many lovely videos on Youtube to support tying laces and we've included one here.
Your your child will be bringing home a phonics based reading book that is matched to their phonic ability plus a reading log.
In the Year 1 classroom, each child has a 'Reading Rocket'. If they read 3 times in a week (and this is recorded in their reading log by an adult at home) their Reading Rocket is moved to the next planet, aiming for the finish line each half term! Children who successfully reach the finish line within this time will receive a reward...
Please be aware that although it is important to read to and share a book with your child, it is vital that they practice reading their school book as much as possible. Sounding out and blending the phonemes in words and spotting those non- decodable words (tricky words) will develop their fluency and thus open up a wider range of books that they can enjoy by themselves.
Each child has access to the school library to borrow a book of their choice each week. This may be a book higher than their reading age and ability so will require an adult to read it with them.
*Reading X3 a week at home.
*Online games using the websites listed in Files to Download: Phase 3 phonics, Counting and Place Value maths games. Your child will also have a Numbots login to practice number skills such as addition and subtraction facts.
*Weekly spelling list- your child will be given a short list of Year 1/2 Common Exception words to practice at home each week. Your child will be tested on these words and new words added to their list if successful.
* Maths - Please find our maths home learning document below.
Keeping our children safe online is something we take very seriously at Wales Primary School and we would encourage you to have a look at the 'Online Safety' tab of our class page for information relevant to our class about how to keep your child as safe as possible if they are accessing online content, using social media or gaming.
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Themed Learning
Summer Term 2 - 'Paws, Roars and Claws'
Our topic for this half term is 'Paws, Roars and Claws!' We will be learning about animals and their habitats in Science and Geography and we will be creating our own healthy salads in design and technology.
For our knowledge organiser for this theme, please click here.
We will be using Beegu by Alexis Deacon as a stimulus for writing in our English sessions.
Maths homework - Please find our maths homework menu in the files below. This menu gives you a guide of what you can discuss with your child at home but we don't expect anything to be recorded.
Please find our spellings for this half term, below;
Summer Term 1 - 'Enchanted Forest'
Our topic for this half term is 'Enchanted Forest!' We will be learning about plants in science and taking a trip to Sherwood Forest to further our knowledge of plants and trees and to learn about the history of the forest, including the legend of Robin Hood!
For our knowledge organiser for this theme, please click here.
We will be using 'The Enormous Turnip' as a stimulus to write our own stories about large vegetables that will contain repeated phrases. We will also read other traditional tales which have a forest as a setting - I'm sure you will have lots of fun sharing traditional tales that you know, with your children!
Throughout school, classes will begin working on an exciting art project called 'Picture This' and we will share more information about this over the next half term...
Maths homework - Please find our maths homework menu in the files below. This menu gives you a guide of what you can discuss with your child at home but we don't expect anything to be recorded.
Please find our spellings for this half term, below;
Spring Term 2 - 'Rumble in the Jungle!'
Our topic for this half term is 'Rumble in the Jungle!' We will be learning about animals in science and creating our own explorer vehicles with axles in design and technology.
For our knowledge organiser for this theme, please click here.
We will be using 'Rumble in the Jungle' by Giles Andreae, 'Grandad's Island' by Benji Davies and 'Ticket Around the World' by Natalia Diaz to support the children's writing.
Maths homework - Please find our maths homework menu in the files below. This menu gives you a guide of what you can discuss with your child at home but we don't expect anything to be recorded.
Please find our spellings for this half term, below;
Spring Term 1 - 'My Superhero!'
Our topic for this half term is 'My Superhero!' We will be learning about different emergency services who help us and we will also be learning about Mary Seacole.
For our knowledge organiser for this theme, please click here.
We will be using 'Supertato' and by Sue Hendra, 'Little Red' by Bethan Woollvin to support the children's writing.
Maths homework - Please find our maths homework menu in the files below. This menu gives you a guide of what you can discuss with your child at home but we don't expect anything to be recorded.
Please find our spellings for this half term, below;
Autumn Term 2 - 'Let's Celebrate!'
Our topic for this half term is 'Let's Celebrate!' We will be learning about different celebtrations and festivals that take place at this time of year. We will be learning about different materials in science and how the properties of materials can help keep us safe and healthy during the darker, winter months.
For our knowledge organiser for this theme, please click here.
We will use the stories 'Owl Babies' and 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' to support the children's writing.
Maths homework - Please find our maths homework menu in the files below. This menu gives you a guide of what you can discuss with your child at home but we don't expect anything to be recorded.
Please find our spellings for this half term, below;
Autumn Term 1 - 'Walking with Dinosaurs'
Our first topic is 'Walking with Dinosaurs'. We will be learning about the diets or herbivores and carnivores and about significant, historical figures such as Mary Anning. We will use this engaging theme as a hook for developing speech, language and vocabulary alongside our Year 1 writing.
For our knowledge organiser for this theme, please click here.
We will use the story 'Are the Dinosaurs Dead Dad?' and 'How to catch a Dinosaur' to support the children's writing.