
Transition Between Year Groups

As a school, we understand that the move to any new class as well as to secondary school can cause a lot of anxiety for children. When the Y6s have left us to go to Wales High School, all of our classes move up to their new class to be taught by their next teacher. This year, this will be for a week from 15th-19th July. This can help take the worry out of change and the children can start to get to know the adults they will be working with the following year so they know what to expect coming back in September.

Transition to Secondary School

For our oldest children coming to the end of primary school, we understand that this change can be the most challenging of all and we try to take as much anxiety out of this as possible. We do lots of preparatory work on what the change will mean as well as have visits to, as well as visitors from Wales High School - our feeder school. We also do a full handover of information (academic, social, SEND info etc) in order that Wales High School staff know everything necessary to ensure that the move can be a real success for those that we are sending their way. As part of this information, we also talk about friendship groups & who your child gets on best with. Some of our most vulnerable children are offered an enhanced transition with extra visits planned to WHS & bonding opportunities.

Support resources for transition to secondary school

Transition for pupils with SEND

New FS2 starters

After contact with parents of new starters with SEND, and their previous nursery setting, the class teacher and SENDCo will visit the child at their nursery setting before their transition time at Wales Primary School to ensure appropriate resources are in place ready for the transition week in July. 

Moving into the next year at Wales Primary School

Staff have dedicated time to discuss and pass on information about the pupils with SEND in their class to the next teacher. 

Where appropriate, children with SEND, will have enhanced transition. This may involve; 

  • additional transition discussions and social stories with their current class teacher or TA

  • additional visits to meet their new class teacher and TA before the whole school transition week

  • creating a transition book to take home over the summer break including photos of things that are important to them and key changes for their next school year 

Transition will be discussed with parents during the summer term SEND reviews where parents will have the opportunity to ask questions or discuss any concerns about the next school year. 

Moving on to Secondary School or another provision

If a child has an EHCP, Rotherham LA request that the choice of secondary provision is named at an annual review in the summer term of Y5. A representative from the secondary school provision which is named on the final EHCP is also invited to the last annual review of Y6. 

The SENDCo will work closely with appropriate staff at any provision where our children move on to, at any stage of their education, to ensure there is a plan in place to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. 

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